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(Digna B. Apilad)

                First, the article used two of our well known heroes as metaphors for the educational system of the Philippines. Dr. Jose Rizal was a product of colonial system of education metaphor to the Filipinos who have got their education from schools from other countries. Andres Bonifacio, on the other hand was a symbol of the Filipino masses who had not afford the expensive access of education during the Spanish colonial period. Both of them have beatiful visions about the Philippines. Both of them are carrying beautiful concepts about the democratic way of life. These two heroes shows different context in terms of education.
                The second thing the author did, is he provided a historical overview of our education. From how our education was ran by the Spaniards, Americans and the Japanese. The problems the aspirations and successes of our system. How it evolved from being exclusive for the prominent names to an inclusive one.
                The author concluded, on commenting about the bias of some teachers in the use of “English language” and the course offerings of our universities, are geared towards the demand of the global market.
                This article, the way I interpret it is a social science article. “Education” itself is by definition a social science. It is a social science because its goals are set toward the betterment of the society and maximizing the potential of its members. Furthermore, the topics that were discussed are within premises of the fields of history, anthropology, economics and a little bit of Filipino philosophy.
                The accounts from the past, traces back the reasons why or educational system, is existing the way it is nowadays. It was through the americans that we had the public schools. The way education helped us Filipinos transform our lives, our resilience and a high regard for education. From the historical facts presented, it is safe to say that our system has gone a long way. And also, through the historical facts, we can see some paradox. We can note that some of our past actions have gained results that are not the same the way it was expected to be. Sometimes it runs exactly on the opposite end of the stick.
                The article furthermore discussed topics on anthropology . Talking about the language, the social problems and  education are anthropological topics along with the effects of our colonization and social stratification.
                The way it shows the demands that are related to education, the management of our country’s human resources, how education could help lift our economy were touched. The way it explains the positive relationship of economics to education is a manifestation of the field of economy in the article.
                The author gave a spoon-full amount of Filipino philosophy by revealing how Filipinos think. How we form our thoughts in matters of education, society and pursuit of career. How some Filipinos would rather choose to lend their skills to foreign lands rather than making our country the recipient of their skills. I Agree on what the author said. For me being influenced by other countries have been our identity for years. Yes! Philippines could produce quality citizens like Bonifacio. That man came from a very humble beginning, but it proved that great men are not about their origin. It's about their choices. Sending students and workers to other countries, has its pros and cons, just as any other social issues. We can learn from other countries. Those learning could help develop our own country. Just like what the Vietnamese did, when they sent their scholar to Los Baños to study the science in planting rice. We should not be ignorant, that a large percentage of rice were imported from Vietnam. 
                All in all. Social Science is a broad field. It includes every field that has an objective relevance to man and his society. In the article, is tackled a number of social science concerns. Ultimately this article gave a suggestion on how should we consider education. Should we set our eyes on the demands of the global market or make our graduates skilled and competent enough to solve the problems of our very own country. Whether we get affected by the bias on the use of English language, as a medium of instruction or not.  Whether or not, the rethinking of the curriculum necessary in our country. What can we do to the things that manifests our colonization? Should we erase those things from our present system? The article challenges its readers to be like Rizal and Bonifacio –who have had beautiful visions for our country. Social Science is geared towards how the society will improve, how man could reach his full potential, how people could have a smooth flow of relationship –considering the fact that everyone lives in a global village in the light of peace and love.

Jerone Avel S. Cansino

MAED Soc Sci Student



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